Sunday, September 20, 2009
I had all four of my wisdom teeth ripped from my face on Friday. My original plan had been to find a ride (most likely with Lizconsin) to the oral surgeon and back and spend the weekend hiding out in my room. That way I wouldn't have to lug any of my stuff home (movies, laptop, clothes), I would have a capable support system on hand (Stephan, Liz, A15) and I'd be able to buy myself whatever accommodations I needed before hand (ice cream, soup) instead of relying on my parents for that.
However, (and there had to be a However) I was coerced by my mother to spend the weekend recovering at home. Home is where i receive as little sympathy as possible. Granted, this isn't a real serious surgery. This isn't life threatening or anything like that. But it fucking hurts. A lot. and my mom couldn't even splurge for a second bag of frozen peas to keep my face from swelling.
I've spent most of today fighting back tears because I'm tired, frustrated and in a lot of pain. I held off on my second to last hydrocodone (they only gave me 14, bastards) so I could drive Stephan to the train station.
Stephan, btw, is the greatest person ever. He spent his Saturday night and most of his Sunday lying in bed with puffy-faced me watching Man V. Food and other wonderful netflix goodies. He's my favorite.
But now, I'm stranded in Cherry Hill. I can't drive back to school on the meds (which are pretty shitty meds to begin with), and I'm still too sore and swollen to consider myself healed. And I've got a shit ton of stuff to do this week so it's not like I can take a day or two off. And I hate feeling this shitty in a house where I get shit for feeling shitty.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Drinking Game
This is still a work in progress, feel free to comment with new rules.
Every time you question a directorial choice
Every time a joke doesn't get a laugh
For every musical number Allison isn't in
For every Nazi reference
Every time Stephan does something vaguely inappropriate
Every time Stephan rides the cherry picker
Jazz Hands
Whenever there is absolutely nothing going on on stage.
Every time there's sexual tension between:
-Lockstock/Little Sally
Don't Be the Bunny
Everytime Doug says 'bunny', the last person to make bunny ears has to drink
Act 1 Finale
Drink for every new piece of music while Allison sulks in the corner