Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We watched Citizen Kane in Film today.  I was expecting it to be rather boring, based on what I had previously heard about the film.  I was pleasantly surprised.  At times it grew a bit long winded, but for the most part, it kept my attention through all 2 hours.  Also, Orson Welles was rather dashing in his younger years.  Like a more articulate, less buff Marlon Brando.  However, as I was IMDB-ing the movie, it turns out that the make-up crew worked harder on him when he was paying his own age (he was 25 when filming began.  Holy shit, a 25 year old directed the greatest movie of all time?  I'm almost 25.  I have to get my shit together) than when he was playing an old man.  But it wasn't just his appearances.  He has an incredible command of the screen.  His voice is incredibly prominent.  A strange mix between super sexy and and suave, yet at the same time, almost a little bit creepy.  I can understand how this is a very important movie, but the greatest movie of all time?  I'll have to wait until we dissect it in class tomorrow before I pass fair judgement on that one.

*spoiler alert lol omg*
One thing that I still don't get, if 'rosebud' is supposed to be something he lost (I get that it represents the family he never had and all that jazz) why did he have the freaking thing in storage?  I figured the movie would end with a flashback to the sled covered in snow.  And maybe a gust of wind would blow off the snow enough so that you could make out the title and then go "ohhh it was his sled that he left in Bumblefuck Colorodo."  Or maybe you were supposed to think 'he had rosebud all along!'  I'll probably retract most of this tomorrow.  


Diana Bailey said...

What you shouldn't get if if he died alone, why does everyone and his mother know his last word?

Diana Bailey said...

What you shouldn't get is if he died alone, why does everyone and his mother know his last word?