Monday, February 11, 2008

Ok, so it may have been one of the easiest goals on the list, but I finally finished one. Only 100 to go! Now that I finally have Final Cut Studio loaded onto my external hard drive (which my sister has named Steve) I can begin tackling number 18. That one's going to take some time. I went to yoga with Raven tonight. I could see that becoming a Monday night ritual, hello number 3! I'm really bad at this blogging thing. Don't even get me started on video blogging. I just don't think anyone is really going to be interested in what I have to say. Oh well, maybe someone out there will feel a kinship towards me and... something... will happen... *shrug*. I'm going to try to get into the habit of posting on a more regular basis, not just when I complete a goal. I'm not sure what the next goal will be, number 70 just kind of fell into my lap. I was home, I had money and a gift certificate to BestBuy, I found Steve. Now we are in love.

In other news, auditions for the Masque' spring show start tomorrow. Picasso at Lapin Agile. I know very little about the show except that it was written by Steve Martin. Apparently that's all a show needs to be picked by the Masque. You say 'Steve Martin' and people cream there pants. "A Steve Martin play?! Where do I sign up?". Nobody takes into account things like 'Is this show any good?' 'Does this show accommodate the terribly skewed gender division in the Masque?'. I don't know about the first one, but the second answer is 'No, no you girls are pretty much fucked this semester, thanks for playing'. In an 11 person cast there are 4 female roles. Granted, this is pretty similar to The Philadelphia Story last year. But that show... kind of sucked. Let's be honest. It's a great movie, but the show leaves much to be desired. And unfortunately, I don't think there are any random slutty/maid/ slutty maid roles for me to fill. Typecasting, you know? I believe in method acting. Ok, I've begun to ramble. Long story short (it's a little late for that), auditions are tomorrow, I don't have high hopes. I'll accept any role, but I wont be crushed if I denied a chance to work with the illustrious Tom Reing again.

Cut. Print. That's a wrap.