Sunday, February 17, 2008


So, I totally forgot the whole "take 12 pictures on the 12th day of every month thing." Therefore, I shall make up for that by taking 24 pictures on the 24th. That's next sunday. I think I can remember that.

In other news, I didn't get into Picasso. Tom Reign has broken my heart. No, not really. I think I'm going to be co-props master with Mama Raven, so that should be fun. I still get to be involved and not so much in a late-night-tech way. Awesome.

I managed to cross off another movie from the AFI Top 100 Movies list (goal number 62). My Film as Art Class watched 'Rear Window' which falls at number 48 on the list. I really enjoyed it. It seemed different than other Hitchcock movies (granted, I've only seen 'Psycho' and 'The Birds') it was more suspenseful and kept you thinking. I was most impressed by Jimmy Stewarts performance. The man gives a stellar compelling performance from the confines of a wheelchair, he hardly moves throughout the entire movie. Impressive. We're watching 'Citizen Kane' on tuesday and that falls at number one on the list. I'll be able to knock out 2 more movies from the list thanks to this class: Jaws (56) and Tootsie (69).

Well, that's about it from here. I'm supposed to be filming my project for video production today, but I think Stephan got lost on his way back from Treetops...

[edit 4:33]
it's getting dark, if it's too dark to film this I'm going to be tres annoyed and someone is going to suffer for that...

[edit 5:02]
Oh he will pay for this. He will pay for this dearly...